I know someone who has a great family, a great job with many years of service, excellent job reviews and a great group of friends. This person has talents both at work and in his hobbies, but yet doesn’t have confidence. No matter how many awards received, no matter how many accolades won, it just doesn’t matter.
This someone is me.
Each challenge reminds me of how much I do not know and reminds me that I’m imperfect. This is where my lack of confidence stems. I realize that in my pursuit to better myself and become a wiser, I found myself constantly faced with the fact that I don’t know. I don’t understand. It’s a constant battle.
Every so often though, I find days that all the negative thoughts in my mind cannot bring me down. That is confidence. Confidence in knowing that despite my flaws and imperfections, I am still worth something. Today is one of those days.
Now to find out how to make those days happen more often.