Let me get this out there. My family wants to go on a trip. That being said, my family is pretty good at staying home too, so as much as we can’t wait to travel somewhere, I’m finding a lot of issues with travel, specifically air travel in this post-COVID world.
Continue reading “Will you travel with a family in this post-COVID world?”Tag: covid19
Wear a Mask!
During this pandemic: wear. a. mask.
This blog is new. It’s about whatever. Sometimes, I’ll write about a serious issue like masks.
It’s not about you. It’s about protecting the people around you, your friends, and your family. It’s about caring for those around you. It’s about treating each other with respect. It’s being a grown ass adult. It isn’t a political issue. It doesn’t make you look weak. I’d argue it does just the opposite.
Also note, a mask will help with ALL respiratory illnesses like the flu. Flu season is right around the corner and COVID-19 plus the Flu could be devastating.